One of our favorite things to do each fall is visit the local Pumpkin Patch. Will had been looking forward to it for a few weeks and Kate had no idea what she was in for! We went with our sweet friends and the kids had a blast together. This is the first year that I wasn't able to get as many pictures of Will ... he ran so fast from one thing to the next too excited to slow down for mama's camera. Don't worry - there are lots of pictures still, just 350 instead of my usual 500! Kate loved the animals until one Mr. Goat got a little too close and and was a little too grumpy. I hope she's not scarred for life! Will was really into the maze this year. His technique - run as fast as you can no matter what. Run like the wind to the the dead end and then turn around and run just as fast back! We all enjoyed the hay ride and picking out our favorite pumpkins. Sometimes, in the midst of enjoying such a wonderful day together, I stop and think about how fast time is flying. I wonder how many more trips to the pumpkin patch Will will really look forward to. Maybe this has to do with the picture that Will brought home from school this week - FROM A GIRL!
I'm okay. Really. For now, I'll treasure every moment.