My sweet Will and I share a birthday. When people first find out about this, they usually say something like "How sweet" or "Isn't that fun" ... but I get the biggest kick out of "Did you plan it that way?" YEAH RIGHT!!!
Will's due date was June 26th. My sweet mama flew out to California to stay with us on my due date. Because most babies are born near their due date, if not before, right!?! Well, the next week and 6 days were the longest re-arranging the nursery, re-washing the baby clothes, and re-packing the hospital bags days of my life! Finally, 12 days past my due date, the Dr said those wonderful words ... we're going to induce you. So early on July 9th Johnny and I headed to the hospital with our bags, the diaper bag, our carseat, and hearts full of anticipation. The induction didn't work, and around 5 pm, Johnny and I headed back home with our bags, the diaper bag, our carseat, and hearts full of frustration!!! I was convinced I would be pregnant FOREVER. Well to spare you all of the details ... I went into labor on my own around midnight on July 9th and after 20 hours and 20 minutes of labor, it was finally apparent that Will really was going to make an entrance into the world. The kind labor nurse leaned over and asked "Is it okay with you that your son is going to share your birthday?" I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or scream. I surely had no idea what day it was at this point ... it's probably good I was wearing an oxygen mask! So at 8:25 pm on July 10th, 2004 William Thomas Schloss made his grand entrance and an everlasting imprint on his mama's heart!
Will, I love sharing my birthday with you. You ARE the best birthday gift I've ever gotten!
Oh, and if you are wondering ... I did get to eat cake on my 25th birthday. Remember, I told you my mama came to take care of us. There's never been a better Mom/Mimi!
This is the sweetest post!! I love that y'all share a special!