Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Accidental "Green" Experiment

I love paper products ... paper plates to be more specific. Can you guess where this is going? Yep, I ran out of paper plates and at the MOST inopportune time. It's been at least 175 degrees here lately and I have not wanted to schlepp the kiddos in and out of the H-O-T car not to even mention how much fun it is to shop at Wally World with my precious babies when the temperature is normal. SO, I thought I could probably get by for a few days without my beloved paper plates until I could do what every mom of young children dreams about ... grocery shop by myself!!! Well, there was a small change of plans. Some friends needed to leave town quickly for a funeral and John and I were more than happy to host their three kids for the weekend. I was more than happy until I opened the pantry to serve my first meal to five kids.

Dun. Dun. Dun. NO PAPER PLATES!!!

Well, I survived. I now know the full potential of my dishwasher. (That's the Pollyanna in me :o) And I now love paper plates even more. I somehow managed to wait a few more days after our house guests left ... still determined to get some alone time! After 1 whole week, the pantry was re-stocked and more importantly, I now have 462 dixie paper plates just waiting to be used!

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