We've entered that phase where we are understanding a lot more of what Kate says to us. The average passer-by, however, would still not have a clue. So, in an effort to assist Kate in her progression of language skills, apparently John decided that she needed to work on her "diction" while he was getting her ready for bed last night. All day today, I've been listening to "booK", "ducK", "caT", "eaT" (with the occasional "no,no" thrown in just for fun). She's even adding "K's" and "T's" to other words ... "blankie - T", and "shoes - K". It was funny, for the first hour. Thanks honey!
*** The best thing I've taught her to say so far is "Da-ddy, where are you?" Now, if I could just get her to say that from her crib on Saturday mornings ...
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